Tour Leader Course
Opportunity to Travel Aboard
This course is created specifically for students interested in pursuing a career as a tour leader. Tour leader is a job that involves transporting tourists from Malaysia to other countries. A career as a tour leader is both demanding and exciting. Being a tour leader allows you to travel to a variety of locations, meet new people, learn about new cultures, and earn money all at the same time.
In Malaysia, tour leader is also a short-handed profession. In view of this, our academy has also helped the local tourism industry to cultivate many excellent tour leaders over the years, providing professional tour leaders to local travel agencies.
Difference of
Tour Guide &
Tour Leader
A tour guide is usually a native tour guide who leads tours in a certain area. Meals, local transportation, local hotel reservations, city introductions, and on-site commentary, among other things, are his responsibility in his city.
A Tour Leader is a person who leads a group of people on an international trip. They may or may not have already visited the location. Their responsibilities include ensuring that people receive what they paid for, coordinating the flight, and ensuring that everyone has a good time.
He or she may not give extensive descriptions of the scenery or sites, but he or she will be in charge of general accommodations, transportation between locations, and communication with tour guides at each stop.